Board of Directors
The Board of Directors at the NSW Utilities & Electrotechnology Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) is a diverse group of industry professionals and representatives representing employers, unions and leading industry experts. The Board has over 30 years’ experience, supporting and working closely with its industry sectors, government and related stakeholders on VET, skills formation and workforce related matters.
Board of Directors & Office Holders
The NSW Utilities & Electrotechnology Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) is a bipartite industry-led, not-for-profit, independent body comprised of a Board of prominent industry representatives covering three main sectors:
- Electricity Supply Industry Sector
- Gas Supply Industry Sector
- Electrotechnology Industry Sector
The board of directors also, oversees the management, governance and direction of the ITAB to ensure its long-term success and sustainability.
Electricity Supply Industry Sector
• Electricity Power Generation including thermal, hydro, solar, wind, bio-fuels and alternative power systems
• Electricity transmission, distribution and rail transmission including systems control
• Electronics and business services including business and gaming machines
• Refrigeration as well as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
• Instrumentation, control and automation including process control
• Communications including telecommunications
• Computer systems including Information Technology (IT)
• Distribution
• Systems control
How Our Board Is Structured
The Board has established three Sector Advisory Committees (SACs) to support its skills and training advisory work. Each Board member represents and is a member of a SAC. Provision is made for additional sectors to be covered if, in the opinion of the Board, it would promote the objects of the company. Membership to the company is via an organisation and that is aligned to a particular industry sector. Directors are drawn from respective sectors to form the Board, with the organisation nominating their representative. Appointment of Directors is affected at the annual general meeting of members.
Each SAC assists the Board to develop policies and/or advice for industry, government or other associated stakeholder consumption. While the Board may have overall governance responsibilities for the operation and management of the company, it primarily exists to act as an industry training advisory body as its name infers. The work includes facilitating, gathering and providing technical workforce development advice. The Board also provides data and information concerning careers, occupational skills, qualifications and training and assessment in the Utilities and Electrotechnology industry sectors.
The Board also provides each SAC with the opportunity to establish SAC working groups and/or specialist technical expert panels, as required, as a mechanism to help the SAC and the Board augment their industry stakeholder consultative and advisory operations.
The current Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board are:
- Mr David Hughes (Chair)
- Ms Tara Koot (Deputy Chair)
Members of the Board

David Hughes
Chair - Gas Employers
Jemena Organisation

Tara Koot
Deputy Chair - ESI Employees
Electrical Trades Union (ETU) NSW

Tom Emeleus
Director- Electrotechnology Employers
National Electrical & Communications Association (NECA)

Troy Dunne
Director - ESI Employees
United Services Union

Maggie Pearce
Director - ESI Employers
Sydney Trains

Craig Mason
Director - Gas Employees
Australian Workers Union (AWU)

David Britten
Director - ESI Employers
Essential Energy

Fred Barbin
Director- Electrotechnology Employees
Electrical Trades Union (ETU)

David Morrison
Alternate Director - ESI Employers
Endeavour Energy

Allen Hicks
Alternate Director- Electrotechnology Employees
Electrical Trades Union (ETU)

Melissa Wortman
Executive Officer - Company Secretary